Som el Grup Disbauxa i ens encarreguem d'organitzar el Carnaval a la Ciutat de Sabadell. Aquí trobaràs tota la informació sobre el Carnaval i la Rua de diumenge.

group of people wearing purple and pink jacket
group of people wearing purple and pink jacket
photo of assorted-colored confetti
photo of assorted-colored confetti
group of people gathering on street
group of people gathering on street
shallow focus photography of in brown costume
shallow focus photography of in brown costume
ribbons and confetti on floor\
ribbons and confetti on floor\
man in red tank top playing trumpet
man in red tank top playing trumpet
blue and white birds flying under blue sky during daytime
blue and white birds flying under blue sky during daytime


Poseu-vos en contacte amb nosaltres

+34 123 456 789